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What Documents do I need for a UK Visitor Visa?

M WONG • July 4, 2024

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According to Home Office figures, for the year ending March 2024, a total of over 2.5 million UK Visitor Visa Applications were submitted. The rate of successful applications was 71% (just over 2 million from the total submitted). This still leaves a significant total of over half a million refusals (21% of all applications the Home Office received for the same year).

While there are several factors the Home Office will consider when assessing any visa application, the most common reason for refusals, is the lack of sufficient evidence that applicants submit to support their case. This is particularly prevalent when it comes Visitor visas where there is no fixed set of supporting documents that will be applicable for every individual's case i.e. their specific reason(s) for visiting and their personal circumstances,

What are the general Requirements for a Visitor Visa?

As well as having a valid passport/travel document for the duration of your trip, the Home Office will also require you to sufficiently demonstrate that you are coming to the UK as a 'genuine visitor' i.e. you are coming to the UK for a short stay, and will then return to your country of origin/residence once your trip has ended. Therefore you will need to clearly evidence:

  • The purpose of your visit to the UK (which will need to be a permitted activity in accordance to the type of visitor visa you are applying for)
  • That you will leave the UK when you finish your visit
  • You have sufficient funds for your travel from and to return back to your home country
  • You will be able to financially support yourself and your dependants during your stay
  • You are not attempting to establish permanent residence in the UK or make it your primary residence by frequent or consecutive visits

How do you Prove that you meet the Requirements?

The Entry Clearance Officer needs to be satisfied that the Applicant has provided relevant documents that demonstrate they meet each requirement and prove their specific circumstances which have been outlined in their completed application form and covering letter (if one has also been provided).

Why do many Visitor Visa Applications get Rejected?

To determine whether an individual will be a genuine visitor, the Home Office will consider several factors in line with the requirements. - These include:

  • If the applicant's intentions to come to the UK fall within the list of permitted activities
  • Whether the applicant has strong and significant ties to their country
  • Whether the applicant will be able to afford their visit to the UK
  • The applicant's immigration history

Strong and Significant Ties

The Home Office will assess whether the applicant has compelling reasons for them to return back to their home country.   Examples of an applicant having “strong and significant ties” to their country of origin/residence can include:

  1. Having a career/job which they have had for a number of years; 
  2. Owning and operating a business in their country;
  3. Owning assets, such as property in their country

True Purpose of your visit to the UK

Refusals often occur when the Home Office suspects the applicant is not being truthful regarding their full intentions for coming to the UK. Lack of details regarding the reason for your visit could make them question the duration of your stay, or the plans you are making/have made.

If the primary purpose of your visit is unclear, the Home Office may assume that you are not being honest about wanting to come to the UK solely to visit.

Affording your visit to the UK

Applicants must be able to prove that they will be able to financially support themselves (and any dependants) for the duration of their trip, including being able to pay for their return/onward travel and any other costs they are likely to incur during their visit.

Failure to provide sufficient evidence to confirm you have adequate funds to cover all of your costs for your planned trip to (and stay in) the UK will also result in the case worker questioning the true intention for coming to the UK.

If any of your costs, including maintenance and accommodation, are being covered by a third party, you must be able to evidence your relationship with the person is genuine. You must also prove that they have the financial means and/or suitable accommodation to provide you financial support and/or accommodation, and they have willingly agreed to do this.

Previous Immigration history

The Home office will also assess the applicant's immigration history, especially if the individual has been to the UK in the past.  If they have visited the UK in the past, any breach of the immigration rules e.g. unjustified overstaying, will be detrimental to the visitor visa application.

What Documents Should you Provide to avoid a Refusal?

Again, there is no one-size fits all set of documents when it comes to visitor visa applications, as the items you must submit will always be subject to your personal circumstances. However, the core items you will be expected to include are:

  • A copy of your valid Passport/Travel document
  • Proof of Finances
  • Evidence of suitable accommodation you have arranged in the UK
  • Confirmation of any travel bookings, or relevant activity plans already scheduled

A letter of invitation

Also referred to as an invitation letter or sponsorship letter which is usually required when:

  • The Applicant(s) will be visiting and/or staying in the UK with family, friends or partners.
  • The Applicant(s) needs to carry out activities relating to your employment/profession or study outside the UK (e.g. attending business meetings or performing as a musician, participating in an academic exchange).
  • Participating in a (permitted) paid engagement for UK-based organisation or client.

Note that the letter of invitation only serves as (further/additional) evidence of the purpose for your visit, addressing what you will be doing during your stay and any other critical information that is relevant e.g. your family member or friend will be providing you accommodation and/or financial support for your trip.

More about what to include and how to structure an Invitation Letter is covered in the another article here.

Documents to prove you have Strong Ties to your Country

Personal and economic ties to your home country are vital to demonstrate the likelihood of you returning back to your country after your visit to the UK.

Strong ties include ongoing employment, academic studies, property ownership, family responsibilities or significant community involvement. Relevant documents confirming you have such commitments in your country are therefore essential to include in your application.

Documents to prove the purpose of your Visit

Below are some examples of items to evidence specific reasons for your trip.

Visiting Partners, Family or Friends

  • Photos of you together with your partner, family member(s) or friend(s) will be the strongest evidence to prove your relationship. Additional evidence can include screenshots of the communication you have with each other and proof when you have visited each other or gone on trips together (if/as applicable)
  • Documents that prove your family member's or friend's immigration status and their residence in the UK

Travelling for Business / Work related activities

  • An Invitation letter from the UK company or conference organizers.
  • Evidence that confirm the details of the business meetings you will be attending or conference schedule.
  • Proof of your employment and approval from your employer, or proof of your business ownership

Coming to the UK to get Married

  • Photos of you together to prove that your relationship is genuine and that you and your partner have physically met.
  • Proof of your communication with each other such as messages/texts, phone and/or video call logs etc
  • Proof when you have visited each other or gone on trips together (if/as applicable)
  • Documentation showing your wedding plans in the UK, including venue booking and any other arrangements

Supporting Documents for Visitor Visa UK

Financial Documents

Applicants will need to provide detailed and verifiable financial documents to evidence they are able to financially support themselves (and any dependants) for the duration of your trip, including being able to pay for their return/onward travel and any other costs they are likely to incur during their visit. These might include:

  • Bank Statements: covering several months showing regular deposits and a healthy account balance.
  • Payslips: Recent payslips corresponding with your bank deposits help verify your employment income.
  • Employment Letter / Contract: A letter from your employer stating your job role, salary, and approval of your leave can strengthen your application.
  • Tax Returns: If you are self-employed or run a business, tax returns may be applicable to verify your income

Financial Support from Third-Parties

If a third party is providing you with any financial support and/or accommodation for your visit, as well as proving they have a genuine personal or professional connection to you, they will also need to provide relevant financial documents such as those listed above, to prove that they have the necessary funds available to help you financially during your trip to the UK which will not have a significant impact to their own financial commitments and responsibilities.

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Get a Fully Tailored Document Checklist for your

UK Spouse/Partner Visa Application

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Want a complete Document Checklist and cover letter for your UK Spouse Visa application?

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Documents to prove you will have suitable Accommodation

  • Booking confirmations of Hotel(s)
  • If accommodation will be provided by a family member or friend (see sub-section on 'Visiting Partners, Family or Friends' above), relevant documents must be provided to confirm their ownership of, or tenancy in the property such as the land registry title or tenancy agreement.

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Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor | UK Visa Expert

Melanie Wong is a Senior Immigration Lawyer based in London, UK.

With over 20 years of legal experience, she has extensive knowledge and exposure of all areas of UK immigration law, with particular expertise in handling difficult and technically complex cases, including UK Settlement, Human Rights and British nationality law.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information and law contained in this article is accurate and current as of the date of publication, we accept no responsibility for its accuracy or for any loss or damages arising from accessing, or the reliance, of this guidance.

Please also note that the information does not represent a complete statement of the Law and does not constitute legal advice.

If you would like specific professional advice about your UK immigration matter, please consider booking a consultation or one of my other legal services.

Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor | UK Visa Expert

Melanie Wong is a Senior Immigration Solicitor based in London, UK.


With over 20 years of legal experience, she has extensive knowledge and exposure of all areas of UK immigration law, with particular expertise in handling difficult and technically complex cases, including UK Settlement, Human Rights and British nationality law.

Making a UK Visa or Settlement application can be a stressful experience, and whilst there is a lot of ‘free’ information online, finding clear expert guidance that is up to date, and in line with your specific requirements can be a daunting task.

If you have any concerns about your case, it is recommended to reach out for advice from a trusted legal professional.

Submit your Enquiry for a Free Assessment of your Case here

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