Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor and UK Visa Expert
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How much will a UK Immigration Lawyer actually cost me?

Expert Immigration Advice UK • January 31, 2025

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Making a UK Visa application can be a daunting and stressful experience, and whilst there is a lot of ‘free’ information online, finding guidance that is factual, up to date, and relevant to your/your loved ones' specific circumstances can be a big challenge.

Entering something incorrectly on the application form or failing to include important documents can result in your application being refused.

As such, if you have any concerns about your case, from meeting the requirements, to the vast array of supporting documents you will need to submit, it is recommended that you seek advice from a trusted legal professional.

However, as visa and settlement applications are costly, it is understandable that individuals are reluctant to take on more costs and pay for an immigration lawyer.

But, how much are you actually expected to pay to hire (or get support from) a UK immigration professional?

The following aims to provide a guideline of the typical services offered by most firms, though it is key to note that fees will ultimately depend on the firm or expert you hire, the type of service you opt for, and the extent of the assistance you require.

Full Legal Representation

Instructing an Immigration advisor or firm for full legal representation means that they will take over the complete management of your case. This can also referred to as a Full Application Service which includes completing and submitting your application for you and dealing with the Home Office or Tribunal Service on your behalf.

This is the most hands off service option for applicants and sponsors, and should offer complete peace of mind as you will leave the responsibility of your application in the capable hands of your legal expert.

The price range for this level of service can be anything between £1,000 to £10,000, dependent on the complexity of your case and/or the legal professional or firm you instruct. If your case is fairly straightforward, you should expect to pay £1,500 to £2,500 for an experienced and reputable representative.


If you have concerns o uncertainly about aspects or your application, it is advisable to first have a consultation with an immigration lawyer.

This service gives you a meeting either a face-to-face meeting in person, a video call or over the phone with a legal professional who will be able to answer your questions and offer guidance regarding if and/or how you can proceed with your case.

Typically, this is a 30 to 60 minute appointment and you can expect to pay between £100 - £500 for a one-off session.

Document Checking Service

If you have already done most of the work, or perhaps wish to handle the application as much as possible yourself, but still have concerns that you have everything in order, you may want to consider a Document Checking Service through a reputable firm or legal expert.

With this service, the legal expert will diligently review your application form and supporting documents and highlight if anything is missing or needs to be amended to have the best possible chance of a successful application. This will provide you with full peace of mind that you have not missed anything.
You can think of it as a dry run of the actual Home Office case worker assessing your application, without the fear of getting a refusal.

A service like this will cost between £200 - £500 on average.

Bespoke Services
Some organisations offer other products and one-off services that can fit your individual needs and budget. These include offerings such as guides or handbooks that provide a step-by-step process to make your visa application, tailored documents checklists that identify all of the specific documents you will require to submit relevant to your case and templates for supporting statements, declarations and letters of consent that are required for some types of applications/situations.


Whilst the fees for professional services vary, if you do choose to hire someone or pay for a service, it is recommended that you take the time to do some research on the firm, the representative/s who will be personally handling your application, their experience and finally, actual feedback from clients who have used their service.

Legal representation and advice, whilst carrying a fee, can save you a lot of time, effort, and stress and if weighed together, may be worth the additional cost to your application. - If it is the difference between a successful outcome and a refusal, then the true value of the service, is undoubtedly priceless.


Looking for Professional Immigration Advice?

For trusted advice from a legal professional, book a telephone or live video link consultation with Multi-Award-Winning Immigration Solicitor and founder of Expert Immigration Advice UK, Melanie Wong, here

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Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor | UK Visa Expert

Melanie Wong is a Senior Immigration Lawyer based in London, UK.

With over 20 years of legal experience, she has extensive knowledge and exposure of all areas of UK immigration law, with particular expertise in handling difficult and technically complex cases, including UK Settlement, Human Rights and British nationality law.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information and law contained in this article is accurate and current as of the date of publication, we accept no responsibility for its accuracy or for any loss or damages arising from accessing, or the reliance, of this guidance.

Please also note that the information does not represent a complete statement of the Law and does not constitute legal advice.

If you would like specific professional advice about your UK immigration matter, please consider booking a consultation or one of my other legal services.

Melanie Wong | Immigration Solicitor | UK Visa Expert

Melanie Wong is a Senior Immigration Solicitor based in London, UK.


With over 20 years of legal experience, she has extensive knowledge and exposure of all areas of UK immigration law, with particular expertise in handling difficult and technically complex cases, including UK Settlement, Human Rights and British nationality law.

Making a UK Visa or Settlement application can be a stressful experience, and whilst there is a lot of ‘free’ information online, finding clear expert guidance that is up to date, and in line with your specific requirements can be a daunting task.

If you have any concerns about your case, it is recommended to reach out for advice from a trusted legal professional.

Submit your Enquiry for a Free Assessment of your Case here

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