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Application Process Guide for
UK Spouse/Partner Visa Extensions/Switching Applications
The Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for your UK Partner Visa
Stop Trawling the Internet for Hours looking at Outdated or Incomplete Information!
This Guide will cover the exact steps of how to make your spouse/partner visa extension/switch application. Now that all family Visa applications must be made online, it can be confusing to find the correct links, form or options that you must select for your particular case/circumstances.
The Guide will address all of this and also provide helpful tips on how to navigate the online application form, what to expect, and the next steps to prepare for when you submit your application.
* UK Partner Visa Extensions includes:
Leave to Remain Applications for Spouse, Civil Partners and Unmarried Partners. -
This guide DOES NOT apply to Entry Clearance/ Leave to Enter Applications.
Learn the essential things you need to know about the visa application process
Written in plain English with minimum Legal jargon
* Disclaimer
Please note that this guide does not advise what documents you must submit, or how to organise your supporting documents
for your application.
...Get the Guide Today For only £9.97
Hi, I'm Melanie Wong.
I'm a Senior Immigration Solicitor based in London, UK.
I currently work as a Consultant Solicitor with Lexmark Legal, an SRA Regulated law firm, SRA Number: 647527.
My legal career spans over 20 years specialising in UK Immigration law, and I have helped 1,000s of clients with successful UK visa and settlement applications in that time.
UK Immigration Law is complex and always subject to change.
Let me help you on the right path and give you full peace of mind that you are armed with the right information to achieve a successful outcome for you and/or your loved ones.
Melanie Wong c/o
M Wong Advice Ltd
Expert Immigration Advice UK is the trading name of M Wong Advice Ltd which is an IAA regulated immigration law firm.
Company Number: 12773362,
IAA Registration Number: F202309023
Registered Company Address:
128 City Road, London,
United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX